The Wonderous Effects of Tibetan 8s, the Gift of Nature
Ms. Zhou, Dalian, China
I first bumped into Touch for Health when I joined the Touch for Health Synthesis workshop in early December 2008. In the workshop, many wonderful things happened, leading to huge changes in me, but all had occurred as quietly and smoothly as water hydrating the skin. After the process, I became so relaxed. Among all the balancing procedures learnt, the Tibetan 8s had left the deepest imprint in my mind.
Recently, my husband hurt his right hip joint while playing golf. As he complaint to me about the resulting pain, I immediately thought of Touch for Health.
At that time, I was already very tired after a hectic day of work. Which simple and effective skill to use? Tibetan 8s jumped into my mind right away. I let him stand by me, and started drawing horizontal 8s over the painful area for over two minutes, followed by drawing vertical 8s for another two minutes or so. After the exercise, my husband felt no more pain in his right hip joint.
Just a total of 5 minutes of drawing 8s and we were filled with pleasant surprise. Humans are a part of Mother Nature. Nature has given us a lot of wealth even before we are born. Learning Touch for Health; using Tibetan 8s. I think these are also a gift from Nature!
About the 絶igure 8�
Amy Choi’s Comments: 荘ibetan Energy 8� balance, or 絶igure 8� balance, is a technique from Touch for Health that originates from Tibetan Qigong theory. Use your hands to trace different 8 patterns on different parts of the body to balance and strengthen these crossover patterns. In my experiences of using and teaching Touch for Health, I found that 絶igure 8� has the effects of releasing pain, calming the mind and making the joints more flexible. American energy medicine expert and clairvoyant Donna Eden reported in an article that the healthier the person, the more figure eight patterns she will see and the brighter they will be. (See here for the full article). In the Educational Kinesiology, the Figure 8 pattern is also used to improve various physiological functions for learning, such as 潜azy 8� for the eyes, 荘he Elephant� for the ears and 声lphabet 8� for hand-eye coordination. These simple and intentional movements often bring quick, deep and profound changes to an individual.
Many traditional Chinese Qigong movements also make use of the figure 8 patterns of the shoulder, arms, elbows, hands and fingers to transform the movement of energy, or 弾i�. Cloud Hands, Yin-yang Hands, and some bird-like movements are some examples. In traditional qigong movements, this symbol is interpreted as 装in yang� or 荘aiji�, which looks very similar to the infinity symbol or 絶igure 8�. The Taiji symbol means: Yin is rooted in yang, while yang is rooted in yin; without yang, yin cannot grow alone, and without yin, yang cannot grow, either. Yin and yang form an endless cycle of rotation. This basic law of the universe is generalized in the symbols.