Using Brain Gym® to Enhance Sleep Quality

Using Brain Gym® to Enhance Sleep Quality

By Gloria Pau

From my childhood years till recently, I never enjoyed sound sleep. Even though I was exhausted, I would still be rolling around in bed for one to two hours before I managed to drop into sleep. And even though I eventually closed my eyes, I was bothered by all those dreams. Even faint sounds would easily wake me up.

In August 2004, I learnt Brain Gym®. I understood myself more and began to do balances after balances on myself. Since then, my sleep quality seemed to have improved. One night, when I was in bed, I just felt like putting one hand on my navel and the other on my chest. After five minutes, the body let out a deep sigh on its own accord. No more than fifteen minutes afterwards, I gradually sank into a deep and sound sleep.

For several times, unwelcomed mid-night phone calls came. The ringing woke up everybody in the house, except me. In the morning, my family asked if I heard the phone ringing. My answer really surprised them.

Now, apart from an occasional night of shallow sleep, I have been enjoying my deep sleeps.