Impression on Qinesiology Casework Course

Impression on Qinesiology Casework Course

Zheng Haiying (Shenzhen, China)
November 4, 2013

Dear Mr. Conrad Ho,

Qinesiology Casework Training has ended for a week but it is still going on in my mind. I have benefitted a lot from this training. To witness you working on cases is a satisfying experience – joyful!

The most marvelous of all is something that seems to be hindering the person (who needs balance) would be used by you as resources in balancing for that person. This enables me to experience and understand what is meant by “everything is resources”. In my own case, I was full of sadness when I looked at my own children initially. When Mr. Ho asked us to exercise intuition in drawing the condition of me and my children together, I used simple lines to draw it without touching up in any other colour.

During muscle-checking before balancing, I closed my eyes to listen to every one of the children. I heard a voice saying: “Mother, I hate you.” Then, tears streamed down uncontrollably. Regret and self-blame made me helpless and weak. During the activity, Mr. Ho asked us to play with the children, to have in-depth connection with each child in feeding milk, changing diaper, caressing, playing games. My understanding is that this is not a superficial kind of connection which involves busily doing things for the children or continuously saying “I love you” to them . Instead, the connection comes from the heart, waking up all senses, soaking into your feeling, and providing a chance to express your feeling.

When I did it in this way, sad tears slowly ceased. I was drown in the happiness of playing with the children. I even named the children yet to be born ¡V each of them have their own personality and characteristics. During checking afterwards, Mr. Ho let me listen to each child again. I heard the youngest one telling me: “Mother, I do love you. You bring love and happiness to many more children.” When I looked at the sketch again, I felt that they were not merely “there” but were genuinely integrated with me. The different characteristics of every child all have very deep connection with me. Looking at them, I feel courage and love coming back to me again. No more helplessness due to self-blame.

Not exaggeration, no polishing. Everything is so smooth and natural. Matter is still the same matter but I have already changed. Previously, I could not let go even though I know it in my head. Now I get it, mind and spirit.

Thank you Mr. Ho.

Bless you!