

“No Way!”

Conrad Ho It was a high summer night in July.  The woods after rain was bustling with life and moisture.  Amy and our two boys were lying in bed for a pre-sleep chit-chat.  Yu Yat suddenly po...



“I’m so Great!”

Conrad Ho It was a sunny Saturday in March. The Lion Rock stood in stark contrast against the clear blue sky. Though the skin was still feeling traces of coolness in the air, the warmth of Sp...



The Monster is here!

Conrad Ho Yu Sum has a brave heart in a small body. At the age of 1.5 years, he climbed up a rope ladder on his own to a platform 5 metres above ground unescorted. He could enjoy hanging onto...



Born Rebellious

Conrad Ho Yu Sum’s first uttered word that was comprehensible to us came when he was 11-month-old. It was “Understood!” (chi in Cantonese) He used to say this in response to our asking if he ...