The Importance of Intention
By Anita Mack
January 2008
Conrad wrapped up our session by pointing out that my eyes were the keys to my ‘loving myself? and I might start by ‘enjoying the colors? Eager to apply what I learnt, I asked my eyes to ‘enjoy the colors?the very next day. And it worked. My eyes were not as strained and dry and I felt more relaxed as I read.
Feeling confident that I could alleviate my eye-strain and so read more emails at work, I “instructed?my eyes to ‘enjoy the colors?again the day after. But I got severe eye-strain again and couldn’t read for more than 5 minutes. I worked on my instructions and focused on the key word ‘enjoy? Yet, the harder I tried, the stronger the feeling from my eyes: “we can’t enjoy.?This process repeated itself for two more days.
This morning, when my eyes were too strained to read, I suddenly realized what’s been going on. When I closed my eyes for a rest this time, I did something different – I did it with love…… love for myself. Tears rolled down my cheeks right away and I felt a tingling sensation all over. That’s when everything was clear. Previously, when I closed my eyes for a rest, the rest was ‘approved?so that I could ‘use?my eyes to read again. It was so task-oriented and contradicted the general theme of ‘loving myself? ‘Enjoying the colors?became a tool to complete a task. No wonder I was unable to ‘enjoy?
It’s really amazing how the same action could feel a world of difference when I did it with a different intention!