Kids Don’t Learn from Parents – They Only Copy Them
Conrad Ho It was a day break in early June. A short shower came amidst strong winds. It felt expansive in the chest looking through clear air at the distant hills. Yu Yat and Yu Sum rose befo...
Conrad Ho It was a day break in early June. A short shower came amidst strong winds. It felt expansive in the chest looking through clear air at the distant hills. Yu Yat and Yu Sum rose befo...
Conrad Ho In and before 2002, Yu Sum had had quite some incidents of fever, with high points at 1040F. He was not even 2 years old then. Of course, we brought him to a doctor of mainstream we...
Conrad Ho Yu Sum hosted a big stomach ever since the first mouthful of milk. At the age of 1.5 years, grandpa and grandma brought him out for a dim sum breakfast for the first time. Honey see...
Conrad Ho Yu Sum has a brave heart in a small body. At the age of 1.5 years, he climbed up a rope ladder on his own to a platform 5 metres above ground unescorted. He could enjoy hanging onto...
Conrad Ho Yu Sum’s first uttered word that was comprehensible to us came when he was 11-month-old. It was “Understood!” (chi in Cantonese) He used to say this in response to our asking if he ...
Conrad Ho I am 168 cm in height, and 63 kilos in weight. If someone who is 210 cm and 100 kilos comes to seize my belongings, I would probably choose peace and let him have them. If we meet o...