Regular Short Sessions of Brain Gym after Work
An employee in the government department mentioned in the last issue suggested to us to organize weekly Brain Gym classes after work. It would last for one hour in each session. The format was just like regular Tai Chi or Yoga classes. This idea is tempting to us.
The major difference between our Brain Gym classes versus other physical exercise classes is that we also do balances on top of the exercises. The effect is that apart from relaxing the body at the time of doing exercises, it also handles chronic stress. The person will increasingly be able to stay in the relaxed state when facing the same stressors again.
Recently, I talked with the assistant general manager of an international insurance company on fostering a wellness corporate culture. He liked the idea, experienced some balances and recognized the effects on him. However, without hard data on the magnitude of effects, he felt blocked about asking for resources from the board. Such regular short classes of Brain Gym (or Touch for Health) can be set up in the long term to contrast for such quantified effects in total sick leaves taken and medical insurance claims made, with a similar group of colleagues never joined such classes as a control.