Insights from “Balancing Retreat” in Beijing at June

Insights from “Balancing Retreat” in Beijing at June

June, 2012

1. This course was a simulation of life, and allowed me to see the mode of operation of my life;
2. Instructor Conrad Ho was a designer of games; he let us happily attain values that we wanted through games, and let us see the huge resources that were latent in each of us, as well as the points and bottlenecks that could be broken through, so that we could walk on the road of awakened self-adequacy. I thank him for giving me the energy of acceptance, and I’m joyous in this energy field where all growth and realization can happen naturally.
3. After I return to my daily life, I continuously train my energy of acceptance.

Zhao Li (Zhengzhou)

Doing my own part well

Only if I do my own part well, can I perfect my husband-wife, parent-child relationships.
Only if I allow myself to be happier than my mother, can I do my own part well.

Li Hongye (Guangzhou)

I have attended the balancing retreat for 7 times, and every time I had different feelings. This time, the theme of the balancing retreat was “self-adequacy. ” I felt that my awareness was kept on the heart and the center of gravity. In terms of “jing, ” I felt steadfast; in terms of “qi, ” I felt that my energy could be collected and released as I wished; in terms of “shen, ” I understood myself and the meaning of life better.

My self-cultivation has improved, and I live more openly and easily.

Zhao Jing (Zhengzhou)

I brought with me my natural ignorance, knowing that everything would happen naturally, and what I needed would naturally emerge: “I’m walking on my road, walking and playing along! ” Then I suddenly saw the truth clearly, that for years I had only walked on the side of the road and never on the road!

Every time I dive deep into the balancing retreat and play with a relaxed heart, I grow to the next level. This is one of my favorite ways of learning and growing. I love it!

Li Huizhu (Zhengzhou)

The greatest help this balancing retreat to me was that it turned keeping my body’s midline into a behavioral habit. In the previous balancing retreat I found my heart; this time I kept my heart. The feeling was very amazing, like a lively stream, calm and smooth. I found the key to life’s origin, and opened up the love, courage, luck, strength and legacy that had long been waiting for me. I said farewell to the fear and contradiction I had experienced in the mother’s body. Now, I feel that life is really great; I am living my life fully, and loving every part of myself and everything I have experienced. Thank you balancing retreat. Thank you Instructor Conrad Ho.

Ceng Ren (Beijing)

Through five days of learning in the balancing retreat, the biggest gain is that I feel I’m walking on a brand new road of life, and I am again in charge of my life. Those symptoms on the surface, such as fear, skin allergy, and certain problems of my knees, have been balanced through my entire system’s decision. I thank my classmates at the balancing retreat, and thank Instructor Conrad Ho even more for his care and superb skills. I look forward to our next meeting.

Xie Minjun (Beijing)

What I learned and realized the most in this balancing retreat is that I must always be aware of my condition, return to a point of balance, and stand firm upon it. This is as important to living my own life well as it is to helping others balance. Stay steady, wait patiently, listen, and observe, then things that will happen will happen naturally.

Huang Jingkun (Shenzhen