Five Animal Play Metaphor Balance Manifests the Principle of Moderation

Five Animal Play Metaphor Balance Manifests the Principle of Moderation

Amy Choi and Akiko Ando December 19, 2014 (Kyoto, Japan)

The third “Five Animal Play Metaphor Balances: To Live With a Playful Heart” Workshop began today at Tashiroike Pond Country Park of Kyoto.

Students from all over Japan gathered in the serenity of the mountain for three days, learning 10 movements and 7 balances of the Five Animal Play Metaphor Balances. They made use of the animal metaphor to experience the power of a tiger, gentleness of a deer, groundedness of a bear, agility of a monkey, grace of a bird in different situations of their daily lives, living out the playful heart.

Compared to the previous two years, students this year apparently have stronger foundation in kinesiology. Among the 17 participants, five were Touch for Health Instructors and four were Brain Gym Instructors. Also, some students had previously attended the Authentic Self Series, and four were reviewers of this course. Some of the students had been practising the movements for a year since last year. And they had used different elements of the Five Animal Play Metaphor Balances such as the balancing procedures and movements in their daily lives and in their kinesiology private sessions.

One of the students who repeated the course was both a Brain Gym instructor and Touch for Health instructor. This student considered that the movements of the Five Animal Health Qigong were very attractive, more tactful and elegant. Furthermore, the design of the seven balances were simple and effective, allowing people to increase flexibility and choice. The Five Animal Play Metaphor Balances is the manifestation of the principle of moderation. Course participant and organizer Akiko Ando wrote that:

「動物メタファーは、5種類の動物の資質を“自分のものにする”講座なのですが、私の変化としては、たくさんあって、一番大きいのは、たとえば、何かをすると きに「これは無理よね」とか「私は・・・するしかない」という発想が皆無!になったことだと思います。つまり両方選べる自分になれたということです。

それはいわゆる中庸なのですが、たとえば、私にはビジネスでの目標があって、それを自分で何とかしようとしていたのですが、実は、だれかと一緒にしてもいい し、競争しながらすることもできるし・・バランス調整の後に、どちらもできる自分に出会えました。要するにどんな道でも進めるんだと、選択肢の幅が楽に広 がったのです。
