Trust the Body
Amy Choi
Some time in the past, I learnt to think, analyze and judge with my brain. I also learnt to use my brain to conduct my acts and make important decisions. After all these years of education and life experiences, I have become quite proficient in thinking and acting this rational manner, feeling safe when doing so.
Sometimes, for a change, I will also use intuition and body sensations to guide my doing little things like choosing what to wear, eat or write. This model is closer to my own nature, thus, the feeling is warmly familiar. When acting in this way, I am like a happy child playing with a piece of clay.
Lately, I have been experimenting with the practice of using my body as the source of creativity. For example, I move the body to help improvise stories on the spot. However, I noticed that I could not stop my brain from interfering the process. This is not merely a matter of proficiency, but also not trusting the body. This way to create is the most playful, yields most surprises and so, offers more risks and demands more self-trust. How to make ALL decisions in life by fully trusting the body? How to create solely by the body? This is the most importing learning for me in my next stage of development.