The First Kinesiology Conference in Hong Kong, China
Amy and I started to offer certificate courses in Educational Kinesiology and Touch for Health Kinesiology over 5 years ago in Hong Kong. Up to date, about 30 persons had become registered instructors through our programs. There were about 5 more from overseas programs. Among us, we have social connections but never have formal channels for sharing insights and discoveries. Thus, we have organized the first Kinesiology conference in Hong Kong on 17 January 2004 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. Topics include “How to handle induced hyperactivity due to sensory data overload”, “Hypnotic induction as a balancing tool”, “tactile massage, reflexes and learning enhancement”, etc.
This is basically an event for instructors. However, experienced students and those interested in becoming an instructor are welcome to join. For details, please contact us.