New Brain Gym Guide Book for Teachers

New Brain Gym Guide Book for Teachers

Amy Choi

A new Brain Gym book written especially for teachers is now available. Titled Hands On – How to Use Brain Gym in the Classroom, this 106-page manual contains invaluable insights and experiences tested in the field. It is divided into five chapters on Brain Gym activities that helps students to: 1) improve readiness for learning; 2) develop handwriting skills; 3) enhance reading skills; 4) boost spelling skills; and 5) strengthen a few math skills.

The contents of the book are practical, the structure is clear, and the language is easy to understand. It is illustrated with photographs of students doing the movements in the classroom setting. The authors also provide useful and creative tips on using Brain Gym in the

classroom, e.g. creating stories or games related to the movements, so as to make it playful and interesting to the students. Another practical feature of this work is that it caters for the different needs of teachers of different age groups, offering different teaching tips and variations in the movements. I think that this book suits primary school teachers the most, then secondary school teachers. Kindergarten teachers may want to adapt the suggestions of this book for kids aged six and below.

Some teachers who have learnt Brain Gym in Hong Kong wonder how they can use Brain Gym in their schools, given the immense examination pressure and the tight time schedule. Under what conditions will Brain Gym be most fruitful for the students? How to keep the students’ interest and motivate them to accept such practices smoothly? I believe this book will give many new insights and ideas to the teachers.

The book was co-authored by Ms. Marcelle Goldsmith, an occupational therapist, and Ms. Isabel Cohen, a registered Brain Gym instructor. They have written the book as users
and teachers of Brain Gym, recording their own insights between the covers. This will become a good catalyst in spreading Brain Gym in the education arena in different


To Order

The book is sold at HKD235 (U.S. price of USD29.95 times 7.8). If you would like to order, please contact us at 2323-4927. Customers may collect it from our office, or may request
to receive it by post with an extra HKD15 mailing fee. In the unlikely case of losing the book during the mailing process, however, the purchaser will be responsible for the loss. 