Passive Management
Amy Choi There was an English couple in their 60s who were informed one day that both had terminal cancer. Their doctors estimated that they could only survive for only about six more months....
Amy Choi There was an English couple in their 60s who were informed one day that both had terminal cancer. Their doctors estimated that they could only survive for only about six more months....
Wendy Cheng After completing the Touch for Health Synthesis workshop, I found that the skill of “Tibetan Eight Energy” was great in reducing pain. It is particularly handy when my kids have t...
Conrad Ho Coaches must understand the limitations and features of the bodies of professional athletes in order to help them obtain peak achievements. For the same reason, learners have differ...
Amy Choi, mother of two Dear mothers, Do you still remember the first learning experience of your child after birth? Did his eyes turn in search of yours, to identify how you looked? Or did h...
Amy Choi A new Brain Gym book written especially for teachers is now available. Titled Hands On – How to Use Brain Gym in the Classroom, this 106-page manual contains invaluable insights and ...
Anonymous Contributor I travelled in Yunnan Province of Southern China 17 years ago. One early morning, I poured a huge bowl of rice noodle into my stomach in one minute, of course, without m...